Monday, May 31, 2010

Don't sweat the small stuff; treasure it.

I'm not one to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and say, "Look at you, you handsome devil. Go take on the world!" But there are some things that I do enjoy about myself. One particular, which I've just discovered this past year, happens to be that my day can be made by the smallest thing. I can go from being pretty down about a boring or otherwise lame day to being completely ecstatic about my day from a very simple thing.

One day, I was just floating along wondering about how long the last two periods of my school schedule were going to feel, when I received a text message from a good friend of mine. She said that she had drawn a picture for me, and being the artist that she is, I was excited to see it. It turned out to be a picture of a inside joke that we had made up a few weeks beforehand. She didn't tell me she was drawing the picture and we hadn't necessarily spoke of the joke recently, so it was a complete surprise. It made my day, and I still laugh when I look at the picture.

I don't know if other people find little surprises like this as pleasing as I do, but if it makes their day as great as it does mine, they should.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Well, hello there. My name is Brennan. I'm a fresh high school graduate, I have an idea of what I want to do with my life, and I need something to occupy myself this summer, so I started a blog. I have a couple friends who already have blogs, and I've realized that it seems to be a good way to further one's creative writing skills, which is something I love to do. Write creatively. I was encouraged by someone close to me to start this blog, as she writes one that deals with style of the creative fashion, (Eh, pun not intended, although I am a little pleased with myself for coming up with that!) and she seems to really enjoy it.

This blog is by no means a fashion blog as I know about as much style as Gandhi knows about Modern Warfare 2, but I can still use it to my advantage. I'm a very reflective person. If something happens in my life, be it good or bad, I'm probably going to sit down for a while and think about it. I feel that if I write it down, I might even be able to reflect even further. So in addition to furthering my writing skills, I'm going to use this blog to reflect on life. Blogging is very new to me, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? At least that's how I feel about it!