Thursday, August 19, 2010

Soldier on, soldier on. Keep your heart close to the ground.

Wow. Talk about a change in pace! Let's take these past three days in steps, shall we?

Basically getting all last minute stuff out of the way for starting college the next day. I got a call at around 3:30 in the afternoon from a manager at Raley's. They wanted to call me in for an interview, and of course I was all for it. I said of course, and we worked out that I would go take the interview at 3:00 the next day.

I woke up at around 6:00 in the morning, because of course my internal alarm clock couldn't wait up for my actual alarm clock, which was set for 8:15. I woke up, read the rest of an amazing book Amanda let me borrowed, which was named "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". It was such a good book! By that time it was around 8, and I decided to get up and go for a bike ride. It was really nice outside and the perfect weather for a bike ride. Then I got ready, and drove over the inconvenient hill to Las Positas. When I got there, parking was so scarce that it took me 10 minutes to find a spot, and I was an hour early for my class. The first classes I had were really great, and even though parking was horrible and the parking lot was so crowded, it was a great first day at school!

Then I went to the interview. Well, first I rushed home as fast as I could to change, and then I went to the interview. I felt that it went good, but it was super short, so I was a little skeptical. Still, all I could do was hope.

No bike ride for me today, which would have been a good idea, because I was really bored from about 7, when I woke up, to 11:30, when I left for school. The parking was even worse today! I spent at least 20 minutes trying to find a spot, and once I did, it was all the way on the other side of campus. My first class today was really good, and I liked the teacher, but the best thing happened when the class got out. I got a text from my dad saying that I should call back Cynthia from Raley's. I did, and she offered me the job, and of course I was excited and said YEESSS!!!! Maybe not quite as drastic, but I definitely thanked her enough times. So after I attended my next class, drove home, ate a sandwich, searched high and low for my birth certificate, I am typing this up. I have to turn in some information tomorrow and then I have orientation in Modesto next friday and saturday. And then I can work.

I really like how quickly things have changed. Was it just summer? What was holding me back? What was pushing on the threshold of summer and college with so much force that right when college started, another door opened; a door which I have been trying to pick and ram through or receive some sort of answer from for so long? I don't know. But I am so thankful. God, You are so good, because I've been praying to You about this forever, and finally You came through, just like You always do.

So thank You.

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