Sunday, March 6, 2011

Death and Taxes...

... the only things of this earth that are actually forever, and one of them happens to be money.

How is it that right after I turned 18 and became a legal "adult", everything is about money? You need to pay for this, and this, and you have to work to pay for that stuff, but in order to work, you need to pay union dues, which is just more money. I used to really have that mindset that, yes, money was important, but it shouldn't really be given too much weight. Now, I understand things a bit better. I still know that money is just money, but it's also a necessity, as much as I'm we would all love it not to be.

My mother always used to say something along the lines of "who told you to grow up?", and it's kind of a good point. Did anyone ask me if I wanted to get older? No I don't think so. Now, if I had been given the choice, would I have stayed a child forever, or would I have said that I wanted to grow older? I'd bet you all the money I have in my bank account right now(which isn't a lot) that I would have chosen to grow older. I think all children dream of being adults, and all adults dream of reverting to children, at some point in their lives. Even though I'm only 18, I sometimes wish I could go back to Monticello elementary where everything was exceedingly simple. My biggest worries was whether I was going to play pokemon or watch tv when I got home. I also think it is easier to appreciate life when you don't know much about it.
I had some good times in my childhood, but I really am looking forward to the opportunities I have opening up for me in life. If I had the money right now, I could go spend three months studying theater and other subjects in London. That sounds so great to me, but I know there will be much more opportunities like that soon. And once I have the money, I'll be able to take advantage of those opportunities. When I get the money.

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