Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So much for posting twice a week! It's been more than a week since I've posted! But oh well, what are you gonna do when you have much more homework than usual? That's right, try not to procrastinate!

Speaking of procrastination, Statistics! Man, is that one heck of a class already. I don't know how to use the calculator, the notes we go over don't help us whatsoever, the labs we do are on Excel, which I have no previous experience using, and while there isn't a lot of homework, it takes a long time to do it. Am I complaining? It may seem like it, but I'm really not. To be honest, I like the class because it is so different from a regular math class, and once I get down a good pace to do homework and a good system of taking notes from the fairly useless slides, I think I might be able to pull this class off.

I sure need to if I want to go anywhere good!

Well, there's not much else I wanted to post, so I guess that's it for this one! A post about math! I never thought I'd see that

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