Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A day in the life

Today was a fairly good day. Nothing really too exciting going on, but that's how it's been the past few weeks. You know, I'm ok with that, though. It's weird, I've hit this point where I really don't have a goal that I'm constantly thinking about. I mean, I do have a goal to get all of my credits and transfer to a school to continue my education, but I haven't had any short term goals as of late. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

But I do know that today in class, while responding to question for today's journal entry, I came to the conclusion that I'm much happier when I have some sort of goal in mind. It doesn't have to be anything huge, but I really enjoy the feeling of having a goal and moving towards it. To me, it's very fulfilling. And by me not having a real goal to try and reach lately, I've been just sort of... nonchalant. I think that's the best way to put it. I've been playing video games a lot, I've been staying up late, I've just been doing a lot of lounging around. And I think that's because I don't have a short term goal in my mind to keep me thinking.

I think I'm going to have to work on that.

In other news, and this may seem ironic considering what I just said, I've been trying to find new things to watch on television and am enjoying what I've been finding. The Event, Family Guy, Survivor, and plenty of Disney Channel shows are just a few of things I've been gladly perusing lately. I'm really not ashamed to say it; I love Disney Channel. And cartoons. Personally, I love to keep that balance of those innocent types of shows you watched in your youth and shows that are aimed at a much older audience. It keeps a good neutrality with blood and violence, and laughter and values, to put it frank. I'm definitely trying to live under the mentality that I shouldn't be in a hurry to grow up, yet at the same time, I should become mature enough to function as an adult in the adult world. I think too many young people rush the end of their youth, and then you end up with people saying, "man, I wish I was in high school again. Those were the days". I want to grow up and be able to say, "yeah, the years of my youth were great, but by the time I really became an adult, I was ready for it". Maybe that doesn't happen, but that's what I'm aiming for.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the rest of the week. Alyssa is having a halloween shenanigan next weekend, I want to say. Then the week after, I'm going to pismo with some of my friends for the weekend, IF I can get the time off. Here's to prayer!

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