Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Waiting for that day to see. To see where you belong.

I think I might have finally found the school that I want to go to after Las Positas, and I have to say, it excites me! My dad was talking to my Uncle John the other day while I was at work, and apparently they had a long conversation about colleges on the ones my cousin Liz was looking at before she found SFU. After my dad informed him that I would be studying psychology, my uncle suggested what he considered to be the top three schools for psychology, out of the ones he visited. He said that the three schools I should be looking at are SFU (although he knows that I'd rather go down south), UC Irvine, and UCLA.

Well, I'd already looked into UCLA, and it is a great school that I would be so lucky to go to. It does have a pretty large selection of prospective students to take into consideration though, but it's definitely something I'll look into. San Francisco is such a fun place to visit, but I really can't see myself living there. Maybe in the future, but not now. Irvine was a school that I hadn't really looked into yet, but a couple friends said they planned on applying there, and they seemed to like it, so I said "what the hey?!" and decided to check out the school.

All I can say is that the school looks totally beautiful, and seeing that it's a UC, I'll absolutely be getting a good education at a school that's affordable. I hadn't put much thought into the school before, but now taking a closer look at it I'm finding that I'm really liking the look of the school and where it's located, which is in Orange County if you didn't know. I'm going to keep researching about it, but I've got a hunch that this time I've actually found the right school. Let's hope so right?

On another completely different side note, I've been wanting to play a video game recently that would really put me in the Halloween mood, and I think I know exactly what will help with that. Red Dead Redemption is coming out with a DLC next week titled "Undead Nightmare". It's basically a zombie pack, just in time for Halloween, with survival modes and undead to boot. I'm quite excited for it!

1 comment:

  1. If you want any more info about UCI from a student's perspective, my friend Vivi (who was in my play @ Ontario) goes there. She's super involved and she loves it so much. I think it's pretty awesome that they have an entire residential complex named after locations from Lord of the Rings. :D
