Monday, October 11, 2010

So everybody put your best suit or dress on. Let's make believe that we are wealthy for just this once.

I had one of the strangest dreams last night, but it wasn't strange in the sense that what happened would have been totally impossible, it was strange because of how real the scenario was. There was one thing in the dream that had never really crossed my mind before, but now that I think back on it, under normal circumstances it would have. It was just the time and place. Anyway, I think when I woke up, I actually said "wait, what?" out loud, so there you go. But I like having dreams like that, because, to be honest, I love contemplating about them during the day and where in the deep trenches of my brain that possibly came from!

So hip hip hoorah for weird confusion!

I've come to the realization that trying to write any sort of creative piece has got to be the hardest thing I've ever done. And usually when I have an idea, I instantly start to write stuff down about it, but I decided that on this most recent idea, I would let it sit and mull for a while. It's been about three weeks, or more, since I originally came up with the idea, and I'm starting to really have an idea form. I've been reading a book Stephanie got me dealing with writing fiction, so hopefully it will help somewhat. Anyway, I'll keep you posted!

I think that's all for today. Let's see if anything interesting happens tomorrow, okay?

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