Tuesday, October 26, 2010

College Kids

Well, not really... The kids in most of my classes, anyway. As I sat in my English class, group 2, made up of 8 students, it came to me that half the reason I want to get out of community college so bad is because of the kids there. Let me rephrase that; I don't want to get out of community college "so bad", what I mean is, one thing I really don't like about community college kids is how most of them seem to just not care.

In this group, we were supposed to be brainstorming deeper questions to a selection we read on Jefferson's notes concerning Virginia and slavery. Out of those 8 students, I'd say 3 of them actually said a word in the group. Those 3 being me, a girl sitting next to me, and a kid who always speaks up in class. The rest of them just sat there with that vacant, mildly surprised look on their face of "... I don't know...". These kids really are very annoying, because even though they may not want to be here, I do. Ok, so the class is probably the least interesting of all my classes, and yes, the group work tends to be so simple yet time consuming that one would find it even easier to work on it by one's self, but if we don't brainstorm these questions, we can't finish the assignment, and we won't get credit. I know you don't care, but I do, so please, just speak up.

Maybe I'm just asking too much? It's true that I don't always speak up in class when the teacher answers a questions, but if we are doing something that's counting towards our grade and our chance of gaining these credits, you better believe I'll say something.

Geez, I just want to be surrounded by people who want to learn, that's all. There's my venting for today. And despite the venting, I really have had a good day today! The weather was fantastic, and classwork was productive. I now have bible study tonight, and then relaxing. Sounds good to me!

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