Sunday, October 17, 2010

"A smelly smell that smells... smelly."

Don't ask my why I used this quote, because it just randomly came to me. I think because it reminds me of something disgusting, just like this stupid sickness I'm dealing with.

You know, every time I get sick, it's the same thing. Well, it's one of two things. The first and most common type of sickness cycle for me is what I will label Cycle A, and goes a little like this: I start to feel bleh in the evening, and the next day, I am sick with whatever ailment has targeted me at that time. I take a day or two to rest and then I get better. Simple! Then there's the other cycle. The evil, maniacal one that likes to watch me suffer, which shall be named Cycle E, because it is evil. It consists of me feeling ill the night before, and getting sick the next day. The day after that, I feel great, but this is only a cruel joke, because the next day I feel just as bad as the day before. Ok, maybe not just as bad, but this diabolical circle of bleh is haunting me again. And it's annoying.

Go away, sickness. I hate you.

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