Monday, November 8, 2010

And sometimes the place I'm at, is at a loss for words

Well today was an interesting day to say the least. Not really exciting or even busy, but interesting. I've had a hard time posting lately, as you might be able to tell from the enormous gap in between posts. Nothing has really happened that I want to post here. So I guess I'll just reflect, as usual.

I'm really excited for thanksgiving! I miss my friends that I don't get to see on any basis at all really, and I know that if we get together this upcoming break, I'm going to be so excited to see all of them! Video chatting with people really hasn't gone too far; granted, I barely sign on to Skype, but maybe that's because no one was ever signed on when I was. Another great thing about thanksgiving will be being able to see my uncle and cousins that I haven't seen in, what, 2 years almost? And they live in Sac town. I never really got that. They live an hour away, yet I seem them once every year and a half or so. Longer this time around. But I'll be so glad to see them too!

I guess I been going through socializing withdrawals recently. My summer, actually most of last year, was so packed with spending time with friends at parties and karaoke nights that now that most of them are gone and I work, I barely socialize. It's strange. But I don't think it was just moving away and work that has stopped me from hanging out with friends as much. It seems as though the definition of a party has changed as of late. Maybe the definition didn't change at all, but merely the amount of secrecy that was applied to those parties. Either way, the "fun enhancer" is now flowing freely, and that's kept me away.

I can't say I don't miss the times when we all just ate food, had loud, cheerful conversations, and played minute-to-win-it games for hours and hours and not think twice about it.

Anyway, enough looking at the past. It was great, but now it's time to look forward. Tomorrow I plan to go in with one of my friends to talk to a counselor concerning the classes we need to take in order to get into the school we are interested in. Hopefully all goes well, and I find out the I don't need to take any advanced math classes. That would put a damper on my day!

Hah! See how long a post can get just by reflection? I put no thought into this post at all, and it seems adequate to me. Score one for ze Pryzstowski, hmm?

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