Sunday, November 28, 2010

Just hear those sleigh bells jingling.

It's not even december yet and I'm already singing Christmas songs! Today we put up the Christmas tree (after running to the storage place to grab our tree and find a lovely family of decaying birds waiting for us) and it completely got me in the mood for the season. I love Christmas time! Everything about it is great; I love spending time with my family, the movies are always great, it's cold outside, the fireplace is always on fire, and holiday jazz is just a great thing to listen to! I'm so excited for Christmas this year!

Speaking of holidays, Thanksgiving was very nice this year. We had round one with my Uncle John and my cousins in Stockton on Thanksgiving Day, and we had round two at my house with my grandparents today. It was really fantastic, and the food for both days was good, although I really appreciated the traditional food today. It was so nice to spend time with my family though.

I also have had a pretty good amount of time to spend with my friends this past week. It's been so nice being able to see all of my friends that I miss so much, and it's even better to know that I'll get to see them fairly soon during Christmas break, which will be about a month for most people. Anyway, I'm excited!

Now, this week, I basically just have a bunch of projects to do/turn in. It's going to be hectic, but if I can make it through the next month of work, including finals, then I'll have some much needed rest to look forward to.

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