Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'll do anything to-oo-oo be happy.

Not really ;)

I've been on this week long spree of listening to Noah and the Whale's album The First Days of Spring. I didn't even like the way the main vocalist sang up until recently, and now I think his voice has something very calming about it. Noah is a very different band, and I think that's why I like them so much right now. It seems like most music these days is just a rehash of old stuff other people have done. Even more recently, it's been artists running out of ideas, so they write the same songs with different lyrics.

I imagine that once you get to a certain point, everyone has basically covered every general aspect of a song, so you need to tweak things here and there to make it your own. Of course, if there is one thing I've learned from music, it's that the simplest changes can make a huge difference.

Again, I think that's why I enjoy Noah and the Whale so much right now, because everything is sounding the same, except for music like theirs.

Finals are finally over and I am so happy! It's going to be nice to sleep in and be able to enjoy the company of my family and friends over these next few weeks. I can't really imagine a better way to spend the time off.

So now I'm just hoping for a good Christmas. I just want everyone to wake up happy and ready to spend a day relaxing and enjoying the sheer joy of people. That would be so nice!

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