Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"We do best when your boot is on our neck."

This quote came from a sermon Rob Bell of Mars Hill Church did a few years back about Paul when he was in prison and all the letters he wrote there. It's a really good sermon, it's been a while since I heard it, and I really want to listen to it again. Finals are coming up, and I've always found the best way to get through anything stressful is to pray about it and read God's word, so a good sermon to hear would definitely help. It's curious, because in that sermon, Rob says that the church does best when we are suffering, because when everything is going well, we kind of lose that need for God. And it's not that we actually do lose the need for Him, it's just that we kind of... forget, I think. I guess I'm kind of doing that now though, since it's a stressful time, and I'm searching for God's word in more ways than just reading a chapter a night out of the Bible. Or is that just seeking comfort where it's guaranteed? Who knows?

But anyway, yes, finals week is coming up. Next week in fact, and I want to take them, ace them, and be done with it. I'm really looking forward to winter break and having time to spend with all of my friends. Plus, no school makes that a lot easier.

Anyway, short post for now, but that's how things go sometimes. It's 11 pm and I'm really tired. Goodnight.

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