Monday, July 12, 2010

A bad workman always blames his tools.

A lot has been going on in the world lately. Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, riots, and oil spills; you name it, we got it. Although, I've noticed something that should've been, and probably has been, realized from the instant time began.

As humans, we have this knack of always finding someone to blame. Blame is an interesting concept. When we are angry or upset with something or someone, we think of a reason why it wasn't our fault. A reason why we shouldn't be the ones who are required to suffer the consequences. But sometimes, we become so afraid of responsibility that we look for any possible way to get out of what we know we have to face next. So we turn on our fellow humans and place the sights of judgement on them. If you think about it, it's really a very savage way to live.

I recently saw a Facebook post about a petition to blame the BP oil company for the damage done to wildlife around the Gulf. I mean, it makes a lot of sense. What did the animals do to deserve being covered in oil and suffocated from the "black gold" in their lungs? And it's very true, BP has not made the best decisions on stopping this oil from spreading, but do they deserve to be charged with Criminal Animal Cruelty? There's a key word there that I'm focusing on: Criminal. In order for an act to be criminal, it has to be either planned out or done with the utmost ignorance one can possibly scrounge up. I don't think BP planned to cause this oil spill and kill the animals, and I also don't believe that they are ignorant enough to think that this issue isn't affecting the wildlife, therefore I don't think BP has committed Criminal Animal Cruelty.

Now I know there are two sides to every story, and although this oil spill was unintentional, BP still needs to accept the consequences. That being said, I think they should repay what damage has been done directly because of them, not because of how chemicals and nature works.

I'm sure you've all heard of the things going on down at Bart and in Oakland lately, so I don't really think I need to go into them. Apparently, what happened was a accident. According to the Bart cop, he didn't mean to shoot the man, he only meant to pull out his taser. Maybe this is true, maybe not, but either way, he should take responsibility for it. The people involved in the riots were angry over the sentence for that same cop. You can be angry, that's completely fine. But don't just take the actions of the cop into consideration. The young man who was killed had just been in a fight at the Bart station, and therefore because of his actions, the Bart cop acted the way he did. Not all of the blame should be put on the cop.

Wow, this was a long post, but basically what I'm trying to say is that although we will never stop our behaviors, the way most of us act to situations is sad. Well, that was a nice little rant. :) I've had a really good day today, and as tired as I am, and as pissed off as I seemed to be earlier, today was a good day.

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