Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Today's title post is brought to you by the letter "B"

Well, as if on some sort of predestined cue, I came up with an idea that seems to fit pretty dang well into what I had wanted to write about. Something that is focused around music (to a point) but isn't actually a musical.

Now I've come up with another problem. It seems as though I get most of my inspiration to write and think up ideas when it gets to be around 11 at night through 2 in the morning. There is no possible way I will be able to continue to stay up that late every night, but during the day I sort of lose the inspiration to think creatively. For now, anyway. So I have to figure out a solution for that. Maybe if I start to actually get farther with my story, I'll be able to write during the day too.

Plus, I have a quiz tomorrow in my college class, so hopefully I'll be able to finish it early, and depending on how fast my friend finishes, have some extra time to jot down some storyline. Speaking of which, this quiz will be my first of the class, and since it is based on about a third of our course, I really hope I do well on it. I've taken good notes, printed out plenty of charts and tables, and done some good old fashioned studying, so hopefully I'll be prepared for this open note quiz!

Hmmm, so what else is new? Well, besides this whole play idea, I've felt pretty discouraged as of late. Job searching hasn't turned up even one pathetic little nibble, some of my friends seem to be having issues with each other, and I'm still dealing with things. I've also noticed a very down sort of vibe in most of my recent posts, which I think is due to a couple of things. As much as I want to enjoy this summer with all of my friends, I want August to come so I can really get a feel for this college thing. I feel like I'm in sort of a purgatory with it, meaning that I feel like I'm in a half-step between high school and Big Boy college (a four year), and I'm just itching to get out before it's even started.

All that aside, I would really like it if things started going better for me this summer, because I really hate to have this negative vibe. I tend to be the person who has a POSITIVE vibe, and as such, I try and cheer people up when they feel down. I think that's sort of hard to do when you feel down yourself, right? You know what I need? Good pick me up music! Lately I've been listening to a lot of Taking Back Sunday, and if you know their songs and my feelings, you would understand why I've been slaving over their music. But they aren't the best band for a feel good type of song, which is why I need to get some good, positive upbeat stuff!

One thing I've been telling myself lately is that I don't know my future, and that I may be having a rough time over the past few weeks, but I've been really pleased with my life so far, whose to say whether or not I like it in the future? Well, me, that's who, and if there is on thing I don't enjoy, it's not being happy about something. Wow, well this post went a bit longer then I had expected, but that's ok. I always find that I never know what to write about until I sit down and actually start writing. Oh, I found this picture on DeviantArt earlier today, and I thought it was just so peaceful of a picture, I even put it as my background for my computer.

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