Friday, December 31, 2010

Tick of Time

This is the last day of 2010. It feels strange this time around, instead of feeling just like a normal day. Usually, New Year's Eve is just another time to spend with friends and hang out. Always a smaller holiday, in my opinion. But this year, things were so different, it feels as if I've finally come to the end of a very enjoyable book series, knowing that the author has already started on a follow up series, which will be premiered tomorrow. It's sadness and excitement.

I did so many things different this year. This year was when I found out what it means to be part of a family of 40 or so people and move towards a goal; one that ended up being the biggest performance at Tracy High in the past few years, and maybe even longer than that. This year, I graduated high school. I remember back when I went to Monticello elementary school, thinking how far away high school was. I had to get through fourth grade at Monticello, and then I would be going to Jefferson for fifth grade. Even when fifth grade was over, and I started sixth at WVCA, I still felt like three years was a lot of time.

And then high school just appeared, and then just as quickly as it came, it went. Now I'm already in my second semester of college. The tick of time? More like the very fast moving sports car of time.

I also came across some people this past year that I genuinely loved. I have a group of friends right now that I care about and who care about me so much, and I really don't think I've had very many friends like that before.

Needless to say, this year was packed full of awesome, and now it's time to move on to 2011. I'm going to try to make it as exciting and full lessons and teaching as 2010 was.

Here's to the new year!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

My nose i' nuffed...

Leave it to me and the "Pryor Luck" to get sick during the best part of the year! I was sick during both Christmas Eve and Christmas, and now I'm trying to get better before I waste more precious break time sniffling up a storm at home. Let's hope!

Christmas was great! I always enjoy spending time with my family, and even though I spend a good amount of time with them throughout the year, the holidays always feel like something special. My family got me an iPod connection for my car, so once I get that installed, I can finally use my iPod in my car instead of making a new cd every couple of weeks to listen to new music!

Other than the holidays, there's nothing new that's really happened. Hopefully I'll get well within the next few days so that I can actually spend time with my friends, seeing as some of them go back to college after next week.

Time just flies way too fast sometimes.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'll do anything to-oo-oo be happy.

Not really ;)

I've been on this week long spree of listening to Noah and the Whale's album The First Days of Spring. I didn't even like the way the main vocalist sang up until recently, and now I think his voice has something very calming about it. Noah is a very different band, and I think that's why I like them so much right now. It seems like most music these days is just a rehash of old stuff other people have done. Even more recently, it's been artists running out of ideas, so they write the same songs with different lyrics.

I imagine that once you get to a certain point, everyone has basically covered every general aspect of a song, so you need to tweak things here and there to make it your own. Of course, if there is one thing I've learned from music, it's that the simplest changes can make a huge difference.

Again, I think that's why I enjoy Noah and the Whale so much right now, because everything is sounding the same, except for music like theirs.

Finals are finally over and I am so happy! It's going to be nice to sleep in and be able to enjoy the company of my family and friends over these next few weeks. I can't really imagine a better way to spend the time off.

So now I'm just hoping for a good Christmas. I just want everyone to wake up happy and ready to spend a day relaxing and enjoying the sheer joy of people. That would be so nice!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's so cold in this house

Soooo I really don't have anything to post, but I feel like a week is too long to not have posted anything, so here we are. My first final was today! It went pretty good, and I think I wrote my essays very well, (it ended up being four pages typed) but I think my hand is not permanently cramped.

I can't wait for finals to be over! Well, first I can't wait for Friday, which will be the first time almost all of my friends will have spent an evening together in about, what, four months or so? I'm so excited! After that, I'll have one more final next wednesday, and I'll finally be done with my first semester.

I've been talking with a friend of mine who's currently in France, and after thinking about the conversation we've been having, I'm starting to rethink my choice of college. Now, it's not that I don't want to go to Irvine; In fact, I would love to go there, but if I do I will have to take a class that might be way above my level of knowledge, and I'm not sure how well it would go. I'm not ruling Irvine out yet, but I do think I need to do a humongous amount of research before I can truly decide where I want to go.

But where to start?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"We do best when your boot is on our neck."

This quote came from a sermon Rob Bell of Mars Hill Church did a few years back about Paul when he was in prison and all the letters he wrote there. It's a really good sermon, it's been a while since I heard it, and I really want to listen to it again. Finals are coming up, and I've always found the best way to get through anything stressful is to pray about it and read God's word, so a good sermon to hear would definitely help. It's curious, because in that sermon, Rob says that the church does best when we are suffering, because when everything is going well, we kind of lose that need for God. And it's not that we actually do lose the need for Him, it's just that we kind of... forget, I think. I guess I'm kind of doing that now though, since it's a stressful time, and I'm searching for God's word in more ways than just reading a chapter a night out of the Bible. Or is that just seeking comfort where it's guaranteed? Who knows?

But anyway, yes, finals week is coming up. Next week in fact, and I want to take them, ace them, and be done with it. I'm really looking forward to winter break and having time to spend with all of my friends. Plus, no school makes that a lot easier.

Anyway, short post for now, but that's how things go sometimes. It's 11 pm and I'm really tired. Goodnight.

Friday, December 3, 2010

"I told you I was an actress, but then again, I also just told you that I always lie."

Tonight I saw two one act plays at Modesto Junior College. Both were good, and they made a good selection with picking one dramatic and one comedic. The comedic play was one about an American woman working for the government who visited a "Mexican Lot" looking to purchase a model of mexican in order to gain some professional color for a certain political dinner. It was interesting, and twist in the end was both entertaining and unexpected. It was also the first time I have ever really sat down and felt ashamed of being a white person watching the events that were happening. I felt like I should leave, because they were bashing both white Americans and Mexicans so hard, it was starting to get a little uncomfortable.

Even still, it was the dramatic play that really made me think. It was titled "The Dutchman", and I'm not sure if that was the pen name of the person who wrote it, or the actual title, because the playbill hinted at both. There are only two scenes and both take place on a subway train in New York. The only two characters that really matter in the play are a young black man named Clay and a young white woman named Lula.

Clay is just reading on the subway when Lula forcefully makes his acquaintance, and although striking both him and the audience as obviously insane, the two strike up conversation. Lula is an attractive young woman who gives off this air of suspense. You never really know what she is going to do and say next, leading to her being flirtatious and sweet one moment to being flat out rude and angry, yelling profanities and racial slurs at the same man she intends to sleep with. During these sudden outbreaks, white-masked passengers appear, disappear, and even gradually board the same train these two are on. Lula addresses them like she knows then, and even Clay, although disregarding then initially, strikes out at them during a rampage of his own that leads to him hitting Lula.

Now I don't want to go too much into what the two say to each other, because I wouldn't feel comfortable writing it down on a public blog, but let's just say the two end up hating, yelling, and even physically hitting each other so much that Lula eventually stabs Clay with a knife, killing him. She then orders the ghost like passengers to throw him off the train, and when they do, she tells them to get off on the next stop. Once she is alone in the train, another black man comes in and sits down, to whom Lula smiles, greets, and hints at the cycle repeating itself.

It was definitely a play about race, as the whole argument was about a few racial offensive words said here and there, but I'm still confused as to the whole relationship between the white-masked passengers and Lula. I don't even really understand why she was crazy. All I know is, once the lights came up, I looked at my friend who had come to the show with me and said "what just happened?"

In other words, it was an interesting show, to say the least.