Thursday, June 24, 2010

I lift my eyes to you. I won't look very far 'cause you'll be there with open arms...

I was at band practice last night, and as I was playing a song and reading the lyrics, my mind drifted to the times when Jesus Christ was walking the earth. I wholeheartedly believe that God, Jesus, Satan, Heaven, Hell, and the rest of all that really exists. I believe that Jesus died for my sins, and I've accepted him into my heart. You could even go as far to say I'm a Christian. And you may say "but how can you believe in something that you cannot see, has evidence against, and is quickly fading into the background of the world's mind?" Well, I can and I do, so I guess that's all there is to say about that then.

But think about how life would have been when Jesus was actually walking on the same ground as us.

I mean, for one, the guy spoke in parables, or riddles basically. I would've thought that the guy was pulling my leg every time He was trying to teach me a life lesson. He was always surrounded by crowds of believers, non believers, and skepticalists (oooh, new word!). There were poor people, middle class people, rich people there. He saw prostitutes, disease-ridden low lifes, outcasts, workers, students, preachers, apostles, prisoners, criminals, housewives, and children. An enormous freak show followed Him wherever he went, and He accepted them.

Now, I'm not one for crazy stuff like that. I will personally try to stay away from as many prostitutes and criminals as I can. So if I lived in His time, I would probably be scared to follow Him around. Then again, if He was walking around preaching to people, and I loved Him like I do now, I would personally hang on His every word.

So I guess I would really have a conflict on my hands. Talk about a break from what you are comfortable with. My comfort zone doesn't really include a few madmen and bloodthirsty mobs.

It's just a really interesting thought to me. I mean, as long as I've lived, I'm never sat down and seriously put myself into His time and see how I would react. I guess I will never fully know, but I have some sort of idea because I am, well, me. I don't know, just something to think about.

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