Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm having to let go.

Today, it hit me.

Earlier today, I attended what my friends and I call a Harry Potter Clue Smackdown! It's basically just a fun way for us all to get our competitiveness out. It consisted of 4 friends (one of those being an old teacher of mine) and I sitting in a Starbucks for four hours playing one of our favorite boardgames: Harry Potter Clue.

It was such a great time, and I loved it, but I realized something while I was there. You see, a few lines were thrown around. Stuff like "Oh, yeah, I forgot! You guys aren't in high school anymore!" and "It's college, they won't care." And it made me realize that we are starting our lives. We really aren't in high school anymore!

Since the end of the school year I've been dreading the day all of my friends leave for college, but today I came to find out that I'm ok with it. I've finally accepted the fact that people are going to be leaving me come September, and that's ok, because we all have our lives to live.

Now, that doesn't mean I'm going to step aside and just let friendships die. I'm going to spend this summer building my friendships and relationship to the best of my abilities, but when it comes time for people to leave, I'm going to let them go and try and continue our friendship as best as I can from afar. Sure, I'll still be devastated when they leave, but that's how life goes.

I'm ok with it. :)

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