Monday, June 21, 2010

*Contented Sigh*

I am home from an amazing weekend! Over the past three days, I was kicking with my drama friends up in Ashland, Oregon for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. The festival is a huge, 10 month long event dedicated to the Bard himself, William Shakespeare. Now just because the festival is named after Shakespeare, his plays aren't the only ones shown there. For instance, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice was shown. A total of eleven plays were being performed during this event, which is amazing in itself.

Let's recap on the weekend, shall we?

Friday, June 18th.
After waking up at around 5:15 in the morning, I joined my fellow Dramies at Sheena's house. We left her house around 6 and hit the road for a very long, very interesting 6 hour car trip to Ashland. Once we arrived at the hotel, the guys loaded their stuff into the room, while the girls found out that the hotel screwed up our reservations and that they had to find another hotel to spend the night in. After that we grabbed some lunch at a place called The Munchies. We then went to see our first show, "Pride and Prejudice", which was really good and a lot funnier than I thought it would be! We ate some more good food at a Standing Stone Brewing Co., and then sat down again for a showing of "Hamlet" which, apart from a strange take on a certain play scene, absolutely amazed me! Tired from our first day, we walked back to our hotels chatting about the show.

Saturday, June 19th.
Waking up at 7 on vacation was not quite as much fun as you would think, but we did it. We got up that early in order to go white water rafting down the Klamath River. Waiting for the girls, we quickly ran over to Puck's for some donuts! I am a donut freak, so that made me really happy. Once the girls showed up, we got in the van that would take us to where we start rafting, and headed out. Upon arriving at the starting location, we realized how cold it was. It was absolutely freezing, but it got a lot better once we put on our wetsuits and started rafting. My raft consisted of Lish, Stephanie, two people we didn't even know, the guide, and myself. The rafting was super fun when we went through the level 4 rapids, and fairly quiet during the moments of drifting, which was ok, because it gave me time to appreciate the beautiful scenery. After rafting, we went back to our rooms to take showers, change into warm clothes, yada yada yada. We met back up with the girls and ate at a japanese restaurant called Kobe's and had some really good Yakitori (Teryaki Grilled Chicken), Miso soup, and California Rolls. Then we went and saw "Henry IV Part 1". The show was alright, but I think I would've appreciated it more if I hadn't been so cold and tired, considering that we were sitting in an outdoor Elizabethan Theatre. It actually started to rain on the actors! After the show, we walked back to the hotel, and as tired and ready to sleep as I was, it was probably the nicest walk of the trip.

Sunday, June 20th.
We woke up around 8:30 to pack for the ride home. I ended up being the only one who took a shower, but that was ok, because I wasn't about to be smelly for the whole day. Once we packed everything into the car, we headed over to a backstage tour of the multiple theaters at the festival, led by the lead actress of "Pride and Prejudice". I got some nice pictures and learned some really cool stuff, which was nice. We had lunch at a pizza place which I can't remember the name of and had some really good pizza while playing a couple games of pool. Our show for that day was "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", which ended up being probably my favorite show of the trip. Then we got in the car and headed back home.

Needless to say, it was a fantastic trip and I had so much fun. I was indeed sad for it to be over. I loved the area! The weather and the amount of trees in Ashland just blew me away. I was so glad I went and I'm gonna remember this for a very long time.

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