Sunday, June 6, 2010

The sun's in the sky; it makes for happy endings.

I'm currently listening to "She's Got You High" by a former band known as Mumm-Ra, and it is a great song. I say former band, because apparently the group broke up back in 2008 due to some unknown reason. I tend to get really disappointed when I discover a band that I really like and find out that they don't exist anymore. I feel as if I've missed the boat, so to speak. I listen to one of their songs and I really like it so I look them up on iTunes to see if I like any more of their stuff only to find that they aren't on iTunes. So I look them up on Wikipedia, my all knowing mentor of everything in the world (I heart you Wikipedia, even if most teachers don't), and find out that they broke up already. There's this lovely and very heart felt message to all of their fans who supported them for 8 years and I realize with a heavy heart that I am not one of those fans that was addressed so sincerely. Yes, I'm still a fan, but I'm a late bloomer, which seems to be a very prominent theme in my life, and I'm not ok with settling for that.

So, Mumm-Ra, if you are by any chance in the world reading this, get back together for the sake of a lonely late bloomer like myself! I know the chances are slim, but I can dream can't I?

On another note, the new Rookie of the Year album "The Most Beautiful" comes out tomorrow, and I am stoked for it! I have no iTunes money, so I don't know how I'm going to get the album, but at least I can listen to it on YouTube! Oh, how I love technology! Mumm-Ra, seriously though, get back together. Now. Please. I'll buy you a pizza.

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