Monday, July 18, 2011

Great lyrics, great sound; Great lyrics, mediocre sound; Great sound, no lyrics.

Cause you confused me more than anyone
An adjustment has begun to let me feel the desperate
need to leave what we undid, undone
And maybe you could sympathize
with the bags under my eyes and we'll see the signs are
saying that we have used up all our (tries)
Try To be a better person
To be a better friend
To be a better son
He tries to be a better someone
who understands the difference
And that he can show all the people all the things
that really mean as much as he could (feel)
Feels like I don't remember ever
being this tired
Before now my eyes were closed to
all of the beauty in this world

Well I actually have a lot to talk about since my last post, but seeing as I'm really tired I thought I would just update with some really good lyrics from a classic song. I love songs with lyrics that require the listener to think. In my opinion, it takes music listening to such a grand level.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Insert Phineas and Ferb Theme Song Here

Vacation tomorrow! I'm so excited to finally have a week to just spend with my family. We definitely need this, that's for sure.

Today will basically be me packing for tomorrow, and then working for the rest of the day. I don't really want to work today, but the other half of me wants to get today over with so it can be tomorrow.

6 am tomorrow morning can't come any faster!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Head Chirps

There are a couple of excruciatingly annoying birds outside of my window right now, and I can't sleep. If I shut the window, it will be much quieter, but also much hotter in my room, causing me to stay awake. If I leave the window open, it will be cooler, but the birds will continue to rattle my brain. Plus on top of that it's one of those nights where my mind decides to think about everything, thus making it impossible for me to actually fall asleep.

But on the bright side, I have no plans or work tomorrow, so it's not really like I have anything to be really awake for. So now, here I am, spilling my written brains all over this clean, empty post.

Summer school starts tomorrow (or rather, today) and I have yet to receive my textbook. Of course I only ordered it the other day; leave it to me to wait until the last minute to discover the solid starting date for me summer class. I hope the class goes well. It's the first online class I have ever taken, and I know I am going to have to push myself to be disciplined enough to read when I have the time before doing other things. I know it will be good for me.

That brings me to the topic of where I want to transfer to. My main choice is still Davis, but I just can't seem to find any solid confidence that I will even get into the school. My first semester in college earned me an A, B, and two C's. I know I got at least one more C this last semester. That only puts my gpa at around a 2.9-3.2, and since schools are starting to look at everything for incoming students, including transfers, it makes me worried that I will even get accepted into Davis. Which means I must find suitable schools to fall back on in case I don't make it. But where to go? I don't really want to go down south, but the only places I would want to go to school besides Davis are all down there. I guess Sac state could work, although it wasn't my favorite school in the first place. SFSU would work, especially studying psychology, but I don't know if I could picture myself living in San Francisco. I love visiting the city, but I'm not too sure on how I would like living there. But where else do I go? I know Santa Barbara, San Diego, and Irvine would all be great schools in great cities, but they are all down south.

It really is quite confusing. I know my family and a few other people would not be so happy about my going down south. Maybe I'll just need to work extra hard to not get any more C's so that I won't have to worry so much about getting into Davis.

Worry, worry, worry. It's a big problem for me; it always has been. I've been getting a lot better with giving my worries to God and voicing that no matter what it means for me, I want His will done in my life. But sometimes the worry still gets to me. Of course it's a life long process, being able to fully give whatever future one may have over to God. And life long means that I will never be as far along as I would like in my faith. But I simply have to keep pushing.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Do you want to go to the seaside?

Today is June 6th, and it was pouring rain. The weather has been so strange lately, and it only amplifies my want to go do summer things. Last summer I ate a lot of frozen yogurt, played tennis every other day, and went star-gazing with friends on a few occasions. Of course I can't really do any of those things with the weather so crappy. I want to go to the beach so badly! And not some cold, cloudy, windy beach. I want to go to a beach where the sand is warm, the sun is shining, and you people don't look at you like an idiot for swimming in the ocean.

I've always wondered what it would have been like to grow up on the beach. Ever since watching that show Rocket Power back in the day, I've always wanted to live right on the coast. The members of one of my favorite bands, Switchfoot, all grew up in San Diego. When they were first starting to make music, they would meet up, play some music, go surfing for a quick break, and then went back to making music. Surfing would be so fun, and being able to go from sitting and playing a guitar in ones own home to jumping in the Pacific with a surfboard in a matter of minutes would be the coolest thing ever.

Of course there is more than plenty of time for me to learn how to surf and/or live near the ocean. Maybe that will just mean my children will grow up on the coast, rather than myself. I would be ok with that, although as much as I wouldn't mind being wealthy, I can't see myself as one of those rich people that you usually find living near the coast. You know, the kind that buy their children expensive cars for their 15th birthdays. Then again, maybe I'm just stereotyping.

But I'm going to live on the coast some day, even if that means making myself a hermit!

Well. . . Maybe not something quite so awkward.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dive into a holy river and wash away my sins

I've had a hardcore song stuck in my head all day. Weird, I would say.

Despite none of my teachers from last semester bothering to use blackboard, I was able to figure out my statistics grade by shooting a quick email to my instructor. I already knew I didn't do well on the final, so it wasn't much of a surprise to me to see that I totally failed it. What got me was my grade in the class overall, which was a 68%. Luckily, my teacher's grading scale labels a C as anywhere from 77 to 66%. I got a low C.

Now, I have never been good at math. Actually, I take that back, I was good at math in fourth grade. You now, when 4 x 5 = 20? That kind of stuff. I have never nor do I believe I will ever be "good" at math; I will always just scrape by. And I am fine with that, as long as it allows me to get where I need to go ok.

The part about this grade that kills me is the fact that it looks bad. A low C looks like you, as the student, didn't really care about the class. Like you just did the homework when you could, didn't bother to look at the practice exams, and just goofed off in class. That wasn't me. This class was so important to me and I put so much work into getting every homework assignment done, doing all of the practice exams at least a few times, and taking the time outside of class to get together with classmates and study for hours.

And yet I got a low C. . . it irks me a bit. But if such a pitiful representation of all my hard work helps to gain myself access into a bigger and better school, then I'll take it. I'll take it using a pre-sanitized washcloth, of course, but I'll take it.


I hate this. I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, but there really is no other choice. And if it helps in the long run, then it's worth it. But as of now, this is no fun.

"Often times, though, you get thrown so hard by these sudden changes that it seems it will be much too hard to recover."

I guess I knew what I was talking about when I said this.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I can almost see you.

Summer is just around the corner! I finished my first final today, which just makes me that much more anxious about the ones I have coming up. But if I can just power through all of the work and get them done, I will be done with my first year of college!

Strange that my first year is already almost done. It turned out a lot different than I thought it would, and that means I only have one more year left of junior college before I attempt to transfer to a bigger school and see how I fare there. It'll be a scary time, I know that, but not really scary in a bad way, if that makes sense. Just a lot different than what I've become used to the past two years. I think my only fear is staying involved, because that's when I have the most fun, is when I feel that I'm a part of something.

But before all of that, I have summer! I have a lot of expectations for this summer, and I'm just hoping they all come through in a good way. I plan on going to Disneyland with my family, which I always love doing. Then I have Vegas with my girlfriend's family, which will be so much fun! I get excited just thinking about it. Possibly a camping trip with a bunch of friends. Of course the regular school and work, but hopefully those will also play out in my favor.

I just want a good summer where I grow as a person. I think last summer let me down in many ways, but maybe this time around I will actually be able to say that I enjoyed the few months of fun before starting all the work again. But I think in order for me to really enjoy summer, I will need to work at things, and maybe try things a bit differently than usual. I just have to remember that I am my own person, and that I need to be my own person. If I can just remind myself of that, I think it will improve many aspects of my life, including the ones I've been struggling in over the past few months.

Finally. . . let's count how many times I said the word "summer" in this whole post.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Melting time like Dali

It's funny looking back at my earlier posts since I started this blog. I really have no direction for this thing. I open up the new post tab, and whatever I feel at the moment just comes spilling out. I tend to have really long posts because of this, so I'm going to try and keep this one short. Maybe I should try and find something to achieve with this blog? Or maybe it's fine just being the cerebral pot in which my mind spews whatever comes out?

That was a really gross analogy.

But looking back, it's curious how time works. I feel so much older than I did nine months ago, but at the same time, I don't feel very old now. I still feel like I'm really young and have so much more to learn than the usual person my age. Of course, I felt very old at the end of senior year, so it beats me as to why my maturity compass seems to be way off.

All I know is that so much can change in the course of a year, it's ridiculous. I must remind myself to never forget that.

Thursday I sign up for summer and fall classes. If I had been lucky and/or smart and had gotten a higher priority number, I wouldn't have to wait until thursday to register, and if that was the case, I also wouldn't be worrying about not getting the classes I want for this next semester. Pray it all goes well!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Make it long, make it last, make it cruel, just make me laugh.

The Pryzstowski Open was scheduled to hold its first game of the season today, but was canceled due to violent windstorms in the central valley area. So instead of playing tennis, the players decided to just go take a walk and chat.

And you know, I can safely say that one of the things I appreciate most in life is just simply walking with a good friend and talking about things that make us laugh.

I mean, it was everything from canine tactics when guarding territory to the Sham-Wow guy selling magazines in jail to that pink mustang and its driver that always seems to mug me when we play tennis. We just laughed about stupid stuff, and that's one of the greatest joys for me. I just love to laugh. I don't really see how I could get through life without laughter. It's a way that I deal with things; instead of brooding about a rough day, I try my best to joke about it. Big problems seem much easier to handle when laughed at. Big problems have low self esteem.

Sometimes I feel like the things I'm laughing about are immature for my age. I take a look from the opposite side of the room at a group of guys my age, and they all look the same. Black hats and t-shirts, jeans and sneakers, it's become a stapled look. There's nothing wrong with that, but there seems to be this sense of somber maturity that goes along with that style. That it's fine to laugh at something, it just has to be mature enough. Of course, I don't know them personally, so I could be very wrong.

Then there's also the possibility that my immaturity is what gives me this view point of the rest of our generation, and maybe it's that naivety that I need to outgrow. But if maturing means not laughing as much, then I'm really in no hurry for September to come around.

I guess the fact of the matter is that I know people who are successful adults, yet laugh at everything. It can be done, and I want to be one of those people.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I cannot change you; You'll never change.

Today I saw an old friend at work. Well, I wouldn't necessarily use the word friend. We were what I would have considered best friends for a while, but after entering into high school together, found that we each saw life in very different lights. There was a falling out, and unfortunately, that was that.

I didn't greet him or anything when I saw him. I tried to make eye contact, but as I wasn't the one bagging his groceries, that was sort of difficult. After that I saw him outside, and I could have said something to him, but what was I supposed to say? "Hey man, how have you been? Sorry that I haven't spoken to you in three years, but sometimes I just don't like to be involved with the sort of people you've become. Remember middle school? Good times, huh?"

Maybe I should have said something to just see what would happen. Who knows?

Besides that, however, today was a really good day. I got to experience something totally new, and I'm really glad I did. It was something that I needed to experience.

It's back to school tomorrow, and while my break wasn't the most exciting thing ever, I was looking forward to summer more anyway. Besides, break wasn't all bad! I just can't wait for this semester to be over, I'm ready for things to get at least a little more laid back for a while.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Losing You to You

"Ezekiel, come with me. You've seen some horrible things so far, I know, but I still want you to see more. Don't resist me, even though I know you won't. You're fully dedicated to me, and that brings so much joy to me. All this joy that I have feels somewhat squandered by what I'm about to show you, however.

Do you see what they've done to my home? No? Well, look right there, in the door way. Look at all that vile jealousy. The envy that they have for one another and the things of the world. It saddens me. Do you see now how they try to drive me out of my own home, Ezekiel? What have I done for them but love them, and yet they show nothing of the sort towards me.

Come over here, to the court entrance. This is going to be hard to show you, but you need to see this. Do you see this hole? Dig a foot or so deeper, and you can see all they have done in my home. Look at the priests, taking part in the destruction of their own lungs with incense pledged to others. The women, they cry for other providers. Look at those men, how they praise the morning light. As if that light was the true light.

How little they truly understand.

It disgusts me. I hate to be so disgusted with my own children, but what else is there left to feel? You've seen so much, Ezekiel, I only ask that you see a little more. You must understand that I cannot let these people continue to live. They are simply abominations now. There is no glory left in them. They have abandoned me, and they have abandoned all hope. I'm going to have to destroy them. I will not let any of them live, as much as I may want to.

You must understand, Ezekiel, that hearing the cries of my children in my ear is not something I long to hear, yet I must turn a deaf ear and a blind eye.

Do you see, Ezekiel?"

~Ezekiel, Chapter 8. As perceived by myself.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I made a vow to carry you home. If you fall sick, or you pass out.

Have you ever thought about those things that you want to do before you die? I do all the time. I have these images and ideas that pop into my mind every now and then, and most of the time I forget what they were about, or why I even wanted to do them in the first place.

But Monday afternoon, as I was driving home from school, one of these thoughts came to me, and I realized how much I would love to actually do this thing.

I take the backroads to and from Altamont Pass, and seeing as they are indeed backroads, there are a lot of open fields. Every day I pass this field on my right that always looks so peaceful and quiet. From this field, you can basically see the whole west side of Tracy, and somehow this picture has really grown on me. I find it beautiful.

Someday I would love to get a couple of my musician friends (which already kills this idea, seeing as I only regularly see one of my musician friends) together, learn 10 or so songs, get them basically perfect, and then go out and have ourselves a concert at that open field. We don't need an audience. In fact, I think I would enjoy it more if there was no audience at all. Just four or five of us, guitars, bass, drums, and vocals, and just put on a concert for ourselves.

Of course there are some problems with this idea. For instance, finding the people and the time to practice all of these songs would be very difficult. Plus, just because I think this would be the coolest thing ever doesn't mean anyone else will! And how we would find electric outlets to plug in our instruments and amps is still a mystery to me. And trust me, I have thought about it. The best idea I could come up with was a recon mission involving sneaking all of the extension cords into the fire station 300 feet away and stealing their electricity. But stealing from firefighters doesn't seem like my sort of gig.

Seriously though, after playing this scenario out in my mind a couple of times, I'm starting to love it. Maybe someday though, huh?

So what about a set list? Let's go with this:
1. The Sound of You and Me - Yellowcard
2. We Are One Tonight - Switchfoot
3. I Can Talk - Two Door Cinema Club
4. Kids - MGMT (Haha I've always wanted to perform this song!)
5. The Funeral - Band of Horses
6. Vindicated - Dashboard Confessional
7. Sign of Her Glory - Rookie of the Year
8. A Day Late - Anberlin
9. Your Hand in Mine - Explosions in the Sky
10. So Here We Are - Bloc Party (The song I was listening to while picturing this moment)

Ok, so I could substitute some of these songs out, but this seems like an awesome concert set list. Even if it would be a tempo roller coaster. BUT So Here We Are has to close the set, and Your Hand in Mine NEEDS to be in there somewhere. You cannot have such an awesome concert without that song.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Putting all the words together

First order of business... The new Yellowcard record When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes is finally out! And of course it deserved some lyric-age as my title. This is probably the first album that has come out in the past 2 years that I instantly loved right when I heard it. I take that as a good sign!

Now on to the fun stuff... if you consider decapitating fun. Yep, that's what my dream was about last night. I decapitated a young lady with a halberd. She had a spear though, and it was either I died or she did. Here's a short recap on what I actually remember. The setting is a hotel room (huh?). So there are two women, one with the spear, the other unarmed I think. One of us has to die for some reason, and seeing as they are both trying to kill me, I'm fairly sure I'm their first choice. Then suddenly, the unarmed woman just get's up and leaves. I take this as an opportune time to strike, so I use my halberd (a spear with an axe-head at the end instead of a knife or spearhead) to drag her weapon out of her hands. So she lays there on the floor, and I raise my halberd and ask "Are you ready?" and she just looks at me. Then I bring the weapon down in a swift arc, and her head rolls away.

What? Really? Out of all the weird dreams I've had, this has to be the worst. I decapitated a woman... what kind of monster am I? I woke up feeling like a total jerk too. I think I'm going to look this up in one of those dream dictionary things. Not that I think they have any truth to them whatsoever, but it's interesting, right?

P.S. I really need to work on posting on this thing more often. 18 days in between posts, really?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Death and Taxes...

... the only things of this earth that are actually forever, and one of them happens to be money.

How is it that right after I turned 18 and became a legal "adult", everything is about money? You need to pay for this, and this, and you have to work to pay for that stuff, but in order to work, you need to pay union dues, which is just more money. I used to really have that mindset that, yes, money was important, but it shouldn't really be given too much weight. Now, I understand things a bit better. I still know that money is just money, but it's also a necessity, as much as I'm we would all love it not to be.

My mother always used to say something along the lines of "who told you to grow up?", and it's kind of a good point. Did anyone ask me if I wanted to get older? No I don't think so. Now, if I had been given the choice, would I have stayed a child forever, or would I have said that I wanted to grow older? I'd bet you all the money I have in my bank account right now(which isn't a lot) that I would have chosen to grow older. I think all children dream of being adults, and all adults dream of reverting to children, at some point in their lives. Even though I'm only 18, I sometimes wish I could go back to Monticello elementary where everything was exceedingly simple. My biggest worries was whether I was going to play pokemon or watch tv when I got home. I also think it is easier to appreciate life when you don't know much about it.
I had some good times in my childhood, but I really am looking forward to the opportunities I have opening up for me in life. If I had the money right now, I could go spend three months studying theater and other subjects in London. That sounds so great to me, but I know there will be much more opportunities like that soon. And once I have the money, I'll be able to take advantage of those opportunities. When I get the money.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Come though, kaleidoscope.

I find the shower to be the best thinking place that I can easily access. Outside of an ocean front cliff at sunset or a warm meadow at noon, the shower is a great place to just stand (or sit) and think about life. Because I'm a thinker, or at least I like to tell myself that, and at the same time, I like things simple. I like books, music, ideas that are straightforward and easy to understand, while at the same time making me think. I'm actually quite fond of this preference that I have.

And there I was, letting the warm water run over my shoulders, as I contemplate the things that really matter in life. And I find myself thinking about Jesus. Now, when someone says "Jesus" in public, you'll of course get some interesting response, including both sides of the prophetic spectrum. They say either he was a man of great influence who spoke to God or he was the Son of God. I think it's clear which side of the spectrum on which I stand.

But personally, I've found it hard to picture Jesus as a person. Thats essentially what he was, a person, like you and me. He was flesh. Flesh, in terms of the Bible, is the reason in which we sin, and in order to fully know God, we must overcome the flesh. So if Jesus was the flesh, that meant he had to have the same characteristics of a human being as myself. This brings a whole bunch of thoughts into my mind.

What would Jesus do? Would he have stood in the shower reflecting on how difficult of a week it's been? In John 6:66 (Yes, 666, it's not just a random number, it has a meaning) when a vast majority of his followers left him because of miscommunication, did he sit there on a rock, by the ocean, during sunset, and contemplate life as I do? Would he like Kaleidoscope as much as I do? Well, if he is God in the flesh, wouldn't that mean that he likes all music, considering that he invented music? Music that exalts Him of course. So then, actual tones and notes aside, what about lyrics? Could he see the emotion and thought put into Hardcore Rock with all of it's screaming and heavy guitars? Would Jesus prefer In-n-out or Carls Jr.? What about video games? He obviously said murder was wrong, but he also acknowledged the fact that war, and the death that comes with war, was something that was going to happen, and even used it to lift Himself up. So would he approve of a game of Capture the Flag between five friends who happen to enjoy pumping virtual lead into each other's virtual chests? There is no animosity at all in the mix, yet it is still a simulation of murder, which he despised, and war, which he used as a positive tool. So what would he say?

Or would all of these things we enjoy and struggle with every day be seen by Him as mere distractions from the ultimate goal in life, and as such, excluded from His daily routine?

Who knows? I'm not expecting an answer, but this is one of those places, apart from the shower and the Pacific Ocean, in which I think and write down such thoughts.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

And I took you by the hand, and we stood tall.

Alyssa and I had been talking about going to see a show for a while, and after we started dating, kept talking about one show in particular. It had been a show, a musical even, of which I could probably recite to you at least one full song. I could do this only because both Stephanie and Alyssa were obsessed with the musical since spring of last year.

Well, tickets to this show seemed like a great idea for a Valentine's Day celebration, so that's what I did. Now, unless you know who I'm talking about, you're probably asking, "what show could you possibly be describing?"

I'll tell you what show. It's titled Next to Normal. Now, before this past friday, I might have jokingly rolled my eyes while knowing full well that I probably would have liked the show. In fact, almost every show I've seen so far that I fell in love with has been a show I might have wrinkled my nose at, given it was mentioned prior (aha) to me seeing the show. Pride and Prejudice, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, even Les Miserables are all examples of this.

Next to Normal was no different. The show was just so amazing, I can't even really describe the shock. I knew I was going to like it, but I did not expect to love it. The singing was great, and although Alice Ripley might have sang a bit low at some instances, she was incredible in her role. The one thing about this show that really got to me was the emotion. This show communicated so much pain and emotional hurt that it nearly brought me to tears.


I had to resist the urge, and believe me, it was difficult. I'm a sucker for a good tragedy. In reality, I hate all the sad stories we hear in the news so often these days, but presented from the stage, I see it as brilliant and I can't get enough. This whole show was just one thing after another, but they did it in such a seamless way, I didn't even think about it like that. Some shows that go for the continual breakdown sort of storyline just heap it on you like a pile of bricks.

The show starts. Then BAM you have this whole crap load of death and despair and depression pounding on the doors yelling "HERE I AM!", and it's almost laughable at times. But Next to Normal had every one of the D's I just mentioned and even more letters of the alphabet, and yet it seemed so real. I sat there thinking that this all happened. I guess the only true word to describe it was powerful. It hit me hard, and I loved it.

Personally, the Dad, Dan, is my favorite character in the show. He tries so hard to keep everything in order and expresses his love to his wife so deeply; he just throws everything that he is on the floor for her and everyone else to see. And in the end, it accomplished exactly the opposite of what he intended. Was his fatal flaw that he cared too much? Can one care too much? Dan has a lyric that says something along the lines of, "Who's crazy? The one who visits the doctor or the one who sits in the car?" He deals with so much and once all the screaming and crying is over, he's sitting in a bloodstained chair, in complete darkness, with only the company of memories/ghost of his dead son to "comfort" him. Simply an amazing character. And of course I told Mr. Somers this once I saw him after the show. I mean, why not congratulate an actor on having the best part in the musical, right?

Needless to say, even if I hadn't gone to that show yesterday, it was a completely perfect day, and I loved it so much. I am so lucky!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So much for posting twice a week! It's been more than a week since I've posted! But oh well, what are you gonna do when you have much more homework than usual? That's right, try not to procrastinate!

Speaking of procrastination, Statistics! Man, is that one heck of a class already. I don't know how to use the calculator, the notes we go over don't help us whatsoever, the labs we do are on Excel, which I have no previous experience using, and while there isn't a lot of homework, it takes a long time to do it. Am I complaining? It may seem like it, but I'm really not. To be honest, I like the class because it is so different from a regular math class, and once I get down a good pace to do homework and a good system of taking notes from the fairly useless slides, I think I might be able to pull this class off.

I sure need to if I want to go anywhere good!

Well, there's not much else I wanted to post, so I guess that's it for this one! A post about math! I never thought I'd see that

Sunday, January 23, 2011

For You and Your Denial

It feels like it's been so long since I posted anything of any importance on this blog! I've been in a very large and murky rut when it comes to writing as of late. I had this one idea for a play, but that didn't go far. I also had a few other story ideas, but I never really sat down and put them into short story form or anything to see if they flow well. I'm not sure what happened, but all the same, I still haven't found an idea I've been able to stick with. Hopefully soon?

Now that I think about it, I will have plenty of time to write this semester of college, seeing as all of my classes have either a 75 minute or 150 minute break in between them. I have a lot of time to do eat lunch, do homework, read a book, conquer the world, etc., and I'm actually starting to worry about how I'm going to spend my time. Maybe I can master the art of napping, and train myself to take power naps in between classes! That would be so cool!

Along with this new semester comes a new alarm clock. I now have to get up at 7 in the morning every day. Now, that's actually not that big of a difference from last semester, as I usually got up at around 8, but there is one thing that is very important and completely different about these two wake-up times. That is the fact that one requires an alarm clock, while the other allowed me to wake up on my own. For some reason, even if it's at the same time as usual, if I am woken up by an alarm clock it feels like I have had much less sleep than usual. I don't know what it is, but I don't like it at all.

You know, I've also recently started dating one of my best friends, and while I won't go into any sort of detail for you, it's already made this year one to remember :)

Anyway, this post has reminded me of how much I enjoy writing, or typing, my thoughts out, even if others can see them. Maybe I'll try and work up something to post at least 2 or 3 times a week.

By the way, the title of this post is the newest song from the band Yellowcard, who recently have ended their hiatus and have announced a new album and tour for March. I. Am. So. Excited!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Well, back to the old grind."

Yeah, here's another one of those posts where I really have nothing too interesting to say, but I feel like it's been too long since I posted, so here it is.

My second semester of college starts up in a few days, and it'll be back to basically the same schedule as last semester. I really liked my schedule for classes last fall, seeing as it was shorter and all around better than my schedule back in high school, so I'm looking forward to this semester as well! Plus, I'll be able to listen to my iPod on the way to school seeing as I FINALLY got an iPod connector!

And this makes me happy.

Other than that, things have been going great for me, and I hope this year continues on this lovely path that it has chosen to take!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A sudden clearness; a clarity.

This year has started off a little strange, if you ask me. Nothing like I would have expected. Personally, it's already been a good year. Funny how life's twists and turns sometimes don't throw you as much as you would suspect, and you end up finding out that they are actually enjoyable.

Other times, though, you get thrown so hard by these sudden changes that it seems it will be much too hard to recover. One, if not a few of my friends have already experience something like this in the first week of the year, and as much as you want to console them, you know that unless you've experienced it yourself, you really don't have much to go on.

So I'm just going to pray for those friends and watch what happens. I still stand by what I said that this year is going to be a good one, but having a good year doesn't mean everything going smoothly. That's how you learn.